On January 4, 2019, an account called @world_record_egg on the social media platform Instagram, was anonymously created for the purpose of passing Kylie Jenner on the most-liked Instagram picture, which was previously a post announcing her daughter's birth.
The account originally contained one photo, which was a brown egg
captioned, "Let's set a world record together and get the most liked
post on Instagram. Beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner
(18 million)! We got this"
The Instagram post successfully surpassed Kylie Jenner and today has more than 52 million likes.
Later, the creator was revealed to be Chris Godfrey, who posted the simple picture of an egg as a challenge.
Internet Icon is an American Idol-like
competition between groups to see who can be "the next internet icon"
or be able to run their own YouTube channel while sustaining an
Additionally, there is also a guest judge who appears on the show
each elimination episode. The contestants complete challenges at the Los Angeles Center Studios, where the show is also shot.
The competition aired for two seasons before cancellation due to funding issues.
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